The Power of 8000
The Power of 8000 was founded on the premise that the 8000 ratepayers in White River have significant power to contribute positively to our town. Years of neglect saw the town in a sorry state, with overgrown parks harbouring nefarious activities, rampant littering and dumping all around town, with roads and verges dirty, untended and overgrown, posing risk to residents and visitors alike.
The founders decided that action was needed, and started mobilising resources and addressing problems. Eventually, what started as an informal community movement has evolved into a registered Non-Profit Company (NPC: Reg 2022/339913/08) also registered with SARS to issue Section 18A tax certificates to donors.
We are legal, legitimate, transparent, accountable and fully compliant with any legislative requirements.
TPO8000 Mission
To rejuvenate and maintain White River as a clean, functioning, pleasant town to live in, to work in or to visit.
TPO8000 Objectives
- Do what it takes to make White River a clean, tidy, functional world class town.
- Tackle issues and activities that are clearly identifiable, achievable and sustainable.
- Be a recognised, legally registered, active citizenry group.
- Become an engaged, successful, relevant role player in our town.
- Engage with and encourage our municipality to enable them to improve service levels to meet our objectives.
- Stimulate and facilitate community action to rejuvenate our town, and to maintain it once it is revitalised.
TPO8000 Activities and Projects
We only work on projects and activities that are identifiable, achievable and sustainable:
- Identify: an activity that is clear to recognise and ringfence, such as rehabilitating a park.
- Achieve: activities that are within our ability in terms of resources such as time, labour, jurisdiction and effort.
- Sustain: the potential for a project to be sustainable in the long run; not one-off activities that will fall back into neglect and disrepair.

TPO8000 Key Focus Areas
Parks and Green Spaces
Rehabilitation and ongoing maintenance of parks and green spaces in White River, including invasive alien control.
Litter and Waste Control
Clearing litter, servicing litter bins, cleaning up dumped rubbish, preventing littering and waste dumping.
Roads and Verges
Cleaning gutters and verges, especially where overgrowth impacts on visibility and road safety; spraying of weeds in gutters and on pavements.
TPO8000 Relationships
We believe in joining hands and working together – with local government and with other community organisations. We have good relationships with operational departments in the City of Mbombela (notably Parks and Cemeteries, Waste, and Law Enforcement).
We also initiate and welcome engagement with our community such as service organisations, sports clubs, schools, religious institutions and others that may be identified or approach us.