Community in Action

We have local heroes all over town who have adopted and maintain sections and areas where they live.  This has contributed significantly to the visuals of our suburbs and business areas.  They collect litter, empty bins, trim and mow grass and clear vegetation.  Sometimes they also beautify local areas by planting beds in parks or verges.

Let them inspire you to do the same where you live; become part of this inspiring community movement!

Community heroes include:

  • Kempston Logistics: maintains the corner of Palm Street and Chief Mgiyeni Khumalo Drive 
  • Waterberry Estate services and maintains the turnoff from the R40 to the estate
  • The White River Youth Forum help out anytime anywhere – especially in the White River Nature Reserve 
  • Rotary White River services and mows the T-junction of Impala street onto the R537
  • White River Rugby Club members tackle identified areas or clean-up projects in town.
  • Jaco Booyens and Henry Myers maintain ‘The Waterfront’ between Tom Lawrence and Willem Swanepoel streets.
  • Willie Viljoen keeps a watchful eye over, and takes great care of Chantelle Park in Impala Street.
  • Len and Sue San Giorgio have planted a beautiful garden and are custodians of Lions Park.
  • Aretha and Chris de Bruyn maintain the Ferreira Park and cemetery.
  • Rhodes Abell and Hendry look after the block around Impala, Baobab, Eland, Kiaat and Eland streets, as well as Alie van Bergen St.
  • Boris Doerksen keeps Peter Graham St tidy, despite many challenges of nefarious activities happening on that street.
  • Nic Maarten is the committed custodian of the Tafelberg Street corner, a big challenge if ever there was one! Trees planted by community donors including the White River Garden Pavilion, are thriving.
  • Tracey Mashava, the fruit and vegetable vendor, maintains her area outside White River Primary school.
  • The Gardee family contribute to maintaining the Karula road in front of the mosque and beyond.
  • Irving Stevenson is a committed and tireless contributor to clearing and rehabilitating the White River Nature Reserve.
  • Ype Janse advises the team on invasive alien species control.
  • Andre Vianello is the custodian of Drakensberg Park and also handles any bee problems that may arise along the way as he is a beekeeper.
  • Kim Pascoe from Chas Everit is maintaining the section opposite the Parkville Superette.
  • The ‘G ‘n T’ ladies do a litter clean-up around Danie Joubert and CMK every Thursday morning, collecting dozens of bags of rubbish each week.

Get Involved

There are different ways of supporting, contributing to, or ‘joining’ TPO8000:

  1. ‘Doing your bit’: maintaining the area where you live or work: cleaning pavements, picking up litter, emptying bins. Look around and see what you can do in your neighbourhood.
  2. Contributions in cash, kind, or consumables: we need to fund our ongoing operations e.g. money to pay our ground team;
    fuel; black bags (we go through thousands!), herbicide, etc.
  3. Volunteering: on specific projects such as the Nature Reserve clean-up; or at an info table at key community events or central points
  4. Spread the word: we need to grow our support base in order to unlock the 3 actions above. Tell/show/share what we do with everyone you know and the groups you belong to: family, friends, church, social, sport, etc.