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TPO8000 has tackled significant projects since its inception.  Have a look at some of our ongoing projects and achievements.

Ronnie Bester Park

This, the biggest park in White River, was in a shocking state with many illegal and unsavoury activities happening in the park.  Local residents would not use it due to it being overgrown and dangerous.

TPO8000 mobilised huge community support and donations of ‘Money, Men and Machinery’, and over the period of a few months, completely cleared out the park.  Approximately 8 truckloads of rubbish, vegetation and dumped building rubble were removed from the park.

The park is now a safe and lovely place for residents to enjoy.  Families walk their dogs; residents hold small events and parties, and a local soccer club practices there on weekends.

Other Parks

TPO8000 has systematically identified and rehabilitated all the parks in White River.  This project includes clearing vegetation, mowing, cutting and spraying invasive alien species, rubbish and litter clearing, and ongoing care and maintenance of the parks. 

Many of our parks have now been adopted by local residents who not only maintain them, but actively plant and beautify them.

Palm Street

Palm Street lies parallel to Chief Mgiyeni Khumalo Drive, at the top of the hill when entering White River.  The town planners of yore had a vision of a row of stately palms, interspersed with bougainvillea on a wide strip of grass atop a stone wall, as an attractive welcome to our town.  Sadly, this was neglected and was looking very untidy and unattractive.  Not the impression we wanted to make!

TPO8000 coordinated an initial clean-up then invited the business owners on Palm Street to maintain the grass island opposite their business premises.

This is largely successful, with TPO8000 still conducting regular maintenance with some support from CoM Parks department and the business owners along Palm Street.

Operation Asblik

The litter and rubbish in White River was out of control, turning our town into a veritable rubbish dump.  We had to do something!  Enter “Operation Asblik” which included the following actions and activities:


  • We identified, categorised and plotted each rubbish/litter bin in White River on an interactive Google map. That gave us an idea of what we had on the ground.
  • We were made aware that CoM had dozens of bins that had not been placed into the community, and we mobilised vehicles and labour to clean and place them in identified litter hotspots.
  • We invited local businesses and community members to sponsor and manage bins at or near their properties. We managed the sourcing, branding and placement of the bins.


Together we placed more than 50 additional bins in White River, reducing litter on the ground by approximately 70%!

One of our ongoing activities is to service these bins, working with the City of Mbombela waste department.

Click on the Map to view on Google Maps

The Post Office

The Post Office in the centre of town was looking very grotty; mould and moss covered the exterior, the steps and the signs. 

Inspired by the general rejuvenation emerging around town, Dimitri Coetser of DC Pressure Washing & Roof Cleaning decided to tackle the cleaning up of the post office as a project, and pressure-washed the outside of the post office, with very rewarding results.

Spraying Programme

TPO8000 has an ongoing spraying programme aimed at dealing with general weeds as well as invasive alien species in and around town.  The ground team has been trained on cutting and safe spraying techniques and wages an ongoing war against weeds on pavements and gutters, and on lantana, bugweed and other identified aliens.